We came aross this rather exciting sketch on the web and thought that we would share it with you. Just how lovely is this?! Credit to Alvin Mark Sunset over the Arno River sketch after watching Mad Max. The movie was intense and the concept art brought me back to my animation days! …Continue Reading
Food in Italy is fabulous all year round but there is definitely some extra love put into all the dishes and desserts around Christmas time! For dessert the most simple Italian sweet is fresh fruit. Freshly picked mandarins and melograno (pomegranate) that come straight from the orto (fruit and vegetable garden) and are all bursting …Continue Reading
November and December are special months in Florence! As the weather cools down everyone starts to get ready for winter and the holidays. Lights will go up in the streets, all the high end shops start displaying their Christmas windows and so much more happens in this incredible city. If you are planning to stay …Continue Reading
Thanksgiving Day is soon upon us! Families and friends across the U.S. will gather to feast, relax and watch football or movies. It seems like a perfect time to invite you all to our Thanksgiving feast taking place here at L’Osteria di Giovanni. For almost 88% of Americans, Turkey is the star of their Thanksgiving …Continue Reading
Olive oil is known to be the “king of ingredients of Italian cuisine,” especially in Tuscany where the climate is perfect for the cultivation of olives. The craft of turning olives into oil has stayed in the Mediterranean Tuscan region over thousands of years and the techniques have been the same and passed down from …Continue Reading
Spring is just around the corner! Springtime in Florence can be incredibly beautiful, but unfortunately if you have allergies it can also be unpleasant! Instead of running down to the pharmacy and loading up an all sorts of medications that make you feel drowsy and lethargic, try some of these natural remedies instead so that …Continue Reading
Although Florence is a small city, it can still be a bit overwhelming at times! Luckily, there are a number of relaxing places nearby that you can go if you want to escape the hustle and bustle of the city. Just five miles northeast of Florence sitting on top of a hill is the quaint …Continue Reading
We find that so many of our overseas guests think of Florence, Tuscany and Italy as summer places. Perhaps that enjoy an eternal summer. Many are surprised that in Florence temperatures can sink right down to minus 7/8 degrees regularly every winter, and even very harsh minus double digit temperatures can occur. Famously in the …Continue Reading
Truly on of the best ways of getting to know a city is via it’s bloggers, and Florence (finally – yahoo!) is no exception. Other people’s opinions, experiences and views are increasingly important and useful to us. We are also learning to read meaning into the words, rather than taking them at face value. If …Continue Reading